Extension granted to all Shops and Establishments to remain open on all 365 days in Telangana

author Khyati Bhatia , Anirudh Agarwal

calender May 19, 2023

Extension granted to all Shops and Establishments to remain open on all 365 days in Telangana

The Government of Telangana vide its order number (G.O.Ms.No. 12) dated May 15, 2023, has extended the permission to all the shops and establishments in the State of Telangana to remain open on all the days of the year for a further period of 3 (three) years effective from June 16, 2022. However, such an exemption is subject to compliance with certain conditions as discussed in detail in this update along with the welfare provisions applicable under various labour laws.

Key Developments

The following are some of the key conditions permitting all shops and establishments to remain open on all the days of the year:

  • The working hours of the employees shall be 8 (eight) hours per day and 48 (forty-eight) hours in a week. In the event, any employee is working beyond the prescribed working hours then the employer is required to record such overtime in the wages register which will be maintained separately by the employer.
  • Every employee will be entitled to avail a weekly holiday as per the list exhibited at the main entrance of the shop on rotation basis and if the employees are found working on any holiday or after normal duty hours without proper indent of over time, the exemption granted will be liable for cancellation.
  • The working hours of the shop shall be between 9.00 A.M. to 11.00 P.M.
  • Transport facilities are to be provided to women employees who are required to work beyond 8:30 P.M. Moreover, a notice to this effect in Telugu and English shall be exhibited at the main entrance of the shop indicating the availability of transport.
  • All employees are to be provided with appointment letters and a copy of the same will be furnished to the jurisdiction Inspector and acknowledgement shall be preserved in the shop for inspection at any time.
  • Deductions pertaining to Employees’ Provident Fund and Employees’ State Insurance shall be implemented in respect of the eligible employees.
  • If any statutory violation is committed by the employer of the shop, the exemption will be cancelled before the sanction period.
  • A visit book shall be maintained by the employer exhibiting a copy of the exemption for verification by the Inspector for compliance with the conditions on exemption.


To match pace with the changing business dynamics, the Government of Telangana took a significant step in the right direction towards generating more employment opportunities in a human capital-intensive country. Allowing all the shops and establishments to remain open on all the days of the year will inevitably add convenience to the consumers and boost consumption in the economy. Furthermore, such progressive steps undertaken by the Government of Telangana will not only facilitate the ease of doing business but also provides equal opportunity of work to women employees in the state which in the long run will be beneficial to both, the consumers as well as the businesses.

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