Government releases draft rules for regulation of online gaming

author Gaurav Bhalla

calender January 2, 2023

Government releases draft rules for regulation of online gaming

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has issued (on January 2, 2023) the draft rules for regulation of online gaming in India. Interestingly, the proposed provisions have been introduced as an amendment to the existing Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. Further, the draft rules not only cover games in which the winnings are payable in cash, but also covers games in which the winnings are payable in kind. Moreover, the draft rules mandate that all online games (the definition of which has been provided in the statute) need to be registered with the self-regulating body (envisaged to be formed under the proposed amendment).

The Government has invited comments on the draft rules from the general public by January 17, 2023. A detailed analysis on the draft amendment will follow suit from our end.

The draft rules can be accessed at -

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